The batting cage set up at the Ghajnsielem main square on Sunday, September 22, for the Car Free Day activity organised by the Ghajnsielem Local Council turned out to be a success.
We would like to thank the Ghajnsielem Local Council for sponsoring the activity, Emanuel Saliba and Andre` Saliba for erecting the batting cage, and Mario Xuereb for supplying the net.
During the 2 hours that is was being used several Redcoats’ players as well as children and adults of various ages tried out the BOLA pitching machine that the Ghajnsielem Redcoats purchase last May. Baseballs were being fired at 50mph and each batter tried to make contact from a distance of about 16m.
Among those who took turns at the batting cage, the most successful was Justin Buttigieg who showed real natural talent.
We would like to thank the Ghajnsielem Local Council for sponsoring the activity, Emanuel Saliba and Andre` Saliba for erecting the batting cage on short notice, as well as Mario Xuereb for supplying the net.
We are currently trying very hard to be able to have a batting cage set up permanently so that the pitching machine can be used for practices by our players on a regular basis.